4 Reflecting shapes II 1 Keywords: drawingreflectiontransformations Students draw reflections of three shapes in mirror lines. Preview
2 Older or younger? 0 Keywords: greater thanless thanmapping diagrams Students interpret and answer questions about a relationship diagram that shows which of four children are older than each other. Preview
3 Addition boxes 0 Keywords: additionlinear equations Students complete linear equations by selecting from a range of numbers. Preview
2 Naming shapes 14 Keywords: 2-dimensional shapes3-dimensional shapesmatching Students match pictures of 2- and 3-dimensional shapes with their correct names. Preview
3 Inside, outside 1 Keywords: linear scalesplotting scalestemperature Students estimate the temperature and indicate it on a thermometer. Preview
4 Buying more CDs and DVDs 1 Keywords: additiondecimalsdivisionmultiplicationsubtraction Students use all four operations to perform calculations using decimal values. Preview
3 Wickets in cricket 1 Keywords: frequency tablestable interpretation Students answer questions and make statements based on information presented in a frequency table. Preview
3 Addition rules 2 Keywords: additionnumber patterns Students complete number patterns, identifying and creating rules. Preview
4 How many blocks? 3 Keywords: areacuboidsvolume Students calculate the number of 2cm blocks fit into a given 3-dimensional block model, and answer questions about one face, and volume of the block model. Preview
3 Packing boxes 4 Keywords: arearepeated unitsvolume Students calculate the number of 3-dimensional shapes that fit into larger 3-dimensional shapes. Preview
2 Missing shapes 2 Keywords: repeating patterns Students draw the next shapes in spatial sequential patterns. Preview
3 Cough medicine 3 Keywords: capacitydivision Students work out how many doses in a larger measure of medicine. Preview
5 White and brown eggs 0 Keywords: ratios Students give the fraction or ratio of brown to white eggs in some cartons. Preview
3 Addition squares I 3 Keywords: additionarrayslinear equationsproblem solvingsubtraction Students complete addition arrays by selecting from given numbers. Preview
3 Counting all faces 2 Keywords: 3-dimensional shapesfacesvisualising Students count the number of faces on various 3-dimensional shapes. Preview
3 Addition squares II 1 Keywords: additionarrayslinear equationsproblem solvingsubtraction Students complete addition arrays by selecting from given numbers. Preview
3 Wind speed 3 Keywords: bar graphsgraph interpretationwind Students to interpret a bar graph and answer questions about its data. Preview
3 Waiting time 1 Keywords: dot plotsgraph construction Students complete a dot plot from a table of data about waiting time in a shop. Preview
2 Party balloons 6 Keywords: additionsubtraction Students use all addition and subtraction operations to perform calculations. Preview
3 Snakes and ladders 5 Keywords: probabilityqualitative probability Students choose terms 'impossible', 'even', 'poor', 'good', and 'certain' to describe the chances of landing on selected squares in a board game. Preview
2 Map of Treasure Island 7 Keywords: compassmaps Students locate positions on a treasure map using the major compass directions. Preview
2 Shape patterns II 3 Keywords: spatial patterns Students draw in the next shape in a series of spatial patterns. Preview
3 Missing parts 2 Keywords: spatial patterns Students complete the missing parts of spatial patterns. Preview
3 Alpha numeric patterns 7 Keywords: number patterns Students complete sequential patterns of letters or numbers. Preview
4 Using compass directions 1 Keywords: bearingscompassdirectionmaps Students identify the compass direction that describes travel between two towns on a map. Preview