Plan an investigation to find out which of two students' predictions is correct, and identify how to recognise what a result would look like. Assessment focus: identifying what to measure or compare to answer a science question.
Students conduct a practical, statistical investigation. They decide on a question, categories, conduct the survey, tally and graph the results on a bar graph.
Students conduct a practical, statistical investigation. They decide on the question to investigate, conduct the survey, complete the tally chart, and construct and label a bar graph.
Students conduct a practical, statistical investigation. They decide on a Topic and question, conduct the survey, complete the tally chart, construct a bar graph of the major ideas and make statements about the results.
Students compare drawings of a healthy and unhealthy plant and decide which quantitative and/or qualitative data distinguishes them. They draw conclusions from the data. This is a mathematics/science resource.
For this practical task students plan and carry out a fair test to determine which of four different cups will keep water the hottest over 10 minutes. Students are also required to graph their results and write a conclusion.
In this NEMP task students discuss observations of six unknown common household powders. They design a chart for results, find properties for each, and identify what each powder is. Assessment focus: identifying substances; teamwork.
Task: Look at the arrangement of fibres for four different paper towels, arrange an appropriate sequence of instructions, carry out the instructions and then communicate the data in an appropriate graph that will help answer the question. Different elements of the nature of science are embedded throughout the tasks. Assessment focus: planning and carrying out a fair test, using evidence to answer a question.
Describe methods for speeding up and slowing down melting of an ice cube using one of three provided objects, and explain why the methods would work. Assessment focus: planning an investigation.
For this practical task students investigate some features of craters, complete a table, and explain what they found out. Students then use a diagram showing some craters on the Moon to write as much information as they can about these craters.
For this practical task students follow a plan to determine the best temperature for the reaction of rennet with milk. Students need to make observations and write a report on their findings.
For this practical task students write a plan to find out if a microwave has a 'hot spot'. Students carry out their plan, collect, and interpret results.
This practical task requires students to plan a method to determine which magnet is the strongest. Students carry out their plan, record results and write a conclusion.