45 Adding and subtracting fractions 11 Keywords: additionfractions Students solve number problems involving the addition and subtraction of fractions. Preview
3 Buying books 1 Keywords: decimalsdivisionmoneymultiplication Students calculate the cost of a set of books given unit prices for an individual book. Preview
3 Counting sheep 1 Keywords: arithmetic operationsdivisibilitydivisionmultiplication Students multiply two numbers, then divide the total by 3 and by 6. Preview
2 Spending pocket money 2 Keywords: additionchangemoneysubtraction Students calculate the amount of money shown by diagrams of coins, then calculate change given when some of the money is spent. Preview
3 Keep fit programme 4 Keywords: additionsubtractiontime Students perform calculations using the times taken to carry out a range of fitness activities. Preview
3 Cans of fruit drink 3 Keywords: decimalsmoneymultiplicationsubtraction Students calculate the cost of several cans of soft drinks, the maximum number bought for a given cost, and the change given after buying several cans. Preview
3 Making a cake 5 Keywords: additionequationssubtraction Students work out the extra amounts of ingredients needed for a recipe and complete a table of results. Preview
4 Distances between resorts 2 Keywords: additionsubtraction Students use given distances to calculate other distances. Preview
2 Tens frames to twenty 4 Keywords: additionsubtractiontens frames Students use tens frames to show how to add and take away numbers to 20. Preview
3 Lemonade and muffins 3 Keywords: multiplicationrates Students solve practical word problems. Preview
45 Which taxi company? 3 Keywords: breakeven pointslinear equationsmoneysimultaneous equations Students solve a number of mathematical problems involving money and distance, and compare the results to identify the cheapest taxi company. Preview
5 Farm fractions II 1 Keywords: additionfractionssubtraction Students solve addition and subtraction problems involving fractions with different denominators. Preview
2 Sharing counters 3 Keywords: equal sharingfractionspartitioning Students share out sets of counters into equal-sized groups. Preview
2 How to work out the answer 2 Keywords: additionadditive identityinverseproperties of zerosubtraction Students use number properties to solve problems without calculating. Preview
34 Multiplying and dividing 5 Keywords: divisionequationsmultiplication Students work out the correct answers to arithmetic problems given an incorrect solution. Preview
2 Commutative number lines 2 Keywords: additioncommutativitynumber lines Students use number lines to show their understanding of commutativity. Preview
4 Finding fractions II 4 Keywords: fractionsfractions as operatorskey competencies Students answer questions using a fraction as an operator to find the fraction quantities. Preview
23 Community garden 13 Keywords: key competenciesmultiplicationwork samples Students answer maths problems involving multiplication, and show their working. Preview
3 Estimate these II 0 Keywords: additionestimationmoneymultiplication This practical task involves students making estimates of sets of items and demonstrating their method(s) of estimation. Preview
3 Māra kai 7 Keywords: multiplication Students answer maths problems involving multiplication and show their strategies. Preview
3 Commutative number sentences II 1 Keywords: additioncommutativityequality Students use the commutative property to find missing numbers in equations and explain the property. Preview
2 Different subtraction number sentences 0 Keywords: basic factsequalityequationssubtraction Students solve different forms of subtraction equations. Preview
2 Equal number sentences 2 Keywords: additionequality Students complete open number sentences to show their understanding of equality. Preview
2 Greater than, less than, or equal number sentences 2 Keywords: equal toequalitygreater thanless than Students select the correct symbol or the correct number to make number sentences true. Preview
5 Post a parcel 1 Keywords: breakeven pointsgraph interpretationlinear equationstable interpretationwork samples Students use tables, graphs, and equations to find the break-even point for two companies who charge for postage according to different rules. Preview