This task assesses students' understanding of the use of capital letters in titles, by asking them to read six book titles and put capital letters in the places they are needed.
The context is a plea for a 'good cause' or an emotional statement of opinion on a controversial issue. Some topics are provided. The focus is on passion and forceful speaking. Assessment guides A, B and C are suitable for this task.
Students explore the language of personification and metaphor in the poem called 'Wash day for the clouds'. The questions require the students to think about the metaphors and personification. Text provided.
Students drag numerals to create decimal numbers to create the largest and smallest decimal numbers, and closest decimal numbers to given whole numbers.
Students construct three different sized parachutes from plastic bags. They then carry out a fair test to see which sized parachute is the most effective. Students answer questions about fair tests, collect and record their results, and make a conclusion.
This resource assesses students' ability to select appropriate key words, from a given list, for the purpose of finding information that can be used to answer a given question. Students' ability to generate key words is also assessed.