School vege garden

School vege garden

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This task is about adding numbers.
Some students are starting a school garden.
Work out how many vegetables they plant.

Question 1Change answer

a)  Shane plants 5 lettuces.
     Toby plants 3 lettuces.
     How many lettuces do they plant altogether?

Question 1Change answer


c)  Hohepa plants 5 broccoli.

     Sam plants 7 broccoli and Thomas plants 3 broccoli.
     How many broccoli do they plant altogether?

Question 1Change answer

b)  Maraea plants 8 beetroot.
     Leon plants 6 beetroot.
     How many beetroot do they plant altogether?
Task administration: 
This task can be completed with pencil and paper or online (with auto marking displayed to students).
Description of task: 
Students answer questions that involve adding two or three numbers.
Curriculum Links: 

Links to Numeracy Professional Development Projects

Book 5: Teaching Addition, Subtraction, and Place Value: pages 17-20 (moving students from one-to-one counting to counting from one on materials or imaging), pages 29-32 (moving students from counting all to advanced counting) and pages 40-42 (moving students from advanced counting to early additive).

Learning Progression Frameworks
This resource can provide evidence of learning associated with within the Mathematics Learning Progressions Frameworks.
Read more about the Learning Progressions Frameworks.
    Y3 (04/2016)
a) 8 very easy
b) 14 easy
c) 15 moderate

Based on an online sample of 50 Y3 students.

Diagnostic and formative information: 
Task Common errors Likely reasons
14 or 13
When counting on, students included the number they started from
e.g. for 8 + 6: 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13
One more than correct answer - may be using a counting all strategy and miscounting
10 [7 + 3]
12 [7 + 5]
Only adds two of the three numbers
Next steps: 
First, check that students have read the question carefully.
If necessary, have students work in pairs, reading the question together and recording how to solve the problem by using materials, symbols, images or a number sentence.
Students can practise this skill with a range of word problems without needing to solve them.
Alternatively, read out a word problem and students hold up the correct operator (+, – initially, moving on to x and ÷ as appropriate).
When counting on, students included the number they started from
Students may need to have access to materials such as number strips, counters, beans, plastic animals etc and be encouraged to count one-to-one to confirm calculations.
Students can play board games where two, or more, dice are rolled and added together in order to work out how far to move a playing piece or counter on the board.
One more than correct answer - may be using a counting all strategy and miscounting
Students may need to have access to materials such as number strips, counters, beans, plastic animals etc, and be encouraged to count one-to-one to confirm calculations.
Students can play board games where two, or more, dice are rolled and added together in order to work out how far to move a playing piece or counter on the board.
Only adds two of the three numbers
Students may need more practice with problems involving more than 2 numbers.  Students could roll three dice and add all the numbers together.
Have students work in groups of three - each student puts a number of counters or a written number (0-9) in front of them and the group works out the total they have altogether.  Share findings and strategies with other groups.
Develop understanding of the key idea Numbers can be rearranged and combined to make ten by exploring 'Make ten' (page 40 in the Numeracy Professional Development Projects Book 5: Teaching Addition, Subtraction, and Place Value).
Making Number Sentences is a Level 2 resource that could be used with individuals, groups or the whole class to practise this skill.  For further extension or ideas, Making Number Sentences II and Number Sentences and Story Problems are similar Level 3 resources.