Anahera's sweets

Anahera's sweets

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This task is about working out costs and quantities.
Anahera bought some bags of sweets for her whānau.  Each bag cost $3.15. 

Question 2Change answer

a)  How much would 9 bags have cost?  $ 

Question 2Change answer

b)  How much would 7 bags have cost?  $ 

Question 2Change answer

c)  If Anahera spent $31.50, how many bags of sweets did she buy?    bags
Task administration: 
This task can be completed with pencil and paper or online (with auto marking displayed to students).
Description of task: 
Using a set unit cost students find total costs for given quantities, and find the quantity for a given total cost.
Curriculum Links: 
Students' strategies can be used to provide some of the evidence of their learning.
This task can help with learning ideas for multiplication and division:
  • Fully multiplicative partitioning (Number Framework Stage 7). Fully multiplicative basic facts partitioning attracted students of equal ability to place value partitioning.
  • Using fully multiplicative doubling and halving, or a mix of multiplicative and additive strategies (Number Framework Stage 6).
  • Using doubling strategies involving some addition (Number Framework Stage 6).
  • Using only repeated addition (Number Framework Stage 5). Skip counters were of similar mean ability as repeated adders for this resource.
  • Using only array diagrams (Number Framework Stage 3).
  • Using grouping diagrams.
Learning Progression Frameworks
This resource can provide evidence of learning associated with within the Mathematics Learning Progressions Frameworks.
Read more about the Learning Progressions Frameworks.

Y6 (06/1997)

Y7 (06/1997)

a) $28.35 moderate easy
b) $22.05 moderate easy
c) 10 bags moderate easy
Diagnostic and formative information: 
    Common Errors Likely Reason
b) $22.50 Omits leading 0 in $22.05.
c) 9, 11 Arithmetic errors.