23 Spinach and lettuce 8 Keywords: basic factsmultiplicationwhole numbers This task requires students to exhibit multiplication basic facts, and answer story problems about vegetables that require multiplication. Preview
4 Gymnastic competition 5 Keywords: decimalsordering numbersplace value Students order decimal numbers which are scores from a gymnastics competition. Preview
5 Recipe ratios 1 Keywords: equivalent ratiosratiossimplest form Students write ratios of cooking ingredients in their simplest form. Preview
34 Making stick patterns 1 Keywords: model constructionpracticalquadratic equationrecursive rulesspatial patterns Students use sticks to copy and continue a given spatial pattern, and identify the number of sticks needed to make a new shape in the pattern. Preview
4 Jellybeans 3 Keywords: graph interpretationmedianmoderangestem-and-leaf graphs This task requires students to interpret a stem-and-leaf graph made by a class showing estimates of jelly beans in a jar. Preview
5 Butter fingers 1 Keywords: estimation Students explain errors in calculations that include all operations, decimal values, and percentages. Preview
4 Totalling percentages 0 Keywords: key competenciespercentages Students decide if a percentage statement is correct and explain their answer. Preview
5 Speed and distance 0 Keywords: linear equationspronumerals Students explain the variables in a linear equation involving speed and distance. They then solve the equation by substitution. Preview
23 Estimating cards, money and pinecones 0 Keywords: divisionestimationmultiplication Students select the best estimate for division and multiplication problems involving stamps, money, and baskets of pinecones. Preview
4 Country populations 1 Keywords: decimalsplace valuetotal valuewhole numbers Students convert decimal millions to whole numbers and whole numbers to decimal millions. Preview
5 Travelling from Wellington to Auckland 0 Keywords: percentages Students express a distance as a percentage of the distance of a whole journey, and calculate percentages or fractions of parts of the journey. Preview
2 Graphing feelings 1 Keywords: graph interpretationline graphsrelationships Students interpret a graph of a child's feelings for different times and activities during a day. Preview
34 Morning coffee 1 Keywords: functional ruleslinear equationsnumber patternsrules Students complete a table showing times to boil different quantities of water. They identify the rule that relates the amount of water to boiling time and use it to answer questions. Preview
5 Writing equations II 1 Keywords: equationslinear equations Students write equations for story problems describing practical situations. Preview
23 Who had more? 16 Keywords: fractionsordering fractions In this task students compare two fractions involving items of food, choosing either the larger or smaller. Preview
2 Adding to ten 2 Keywords: additionplace valuetidy numberswhole numbers Students find and write the numbers to complete simple equations that add to 10. Preview
5 Movie ratios 4 Keywords: ratios Students use given ratios to determine the number of people at the movies. Preview
4 Tomato harvest 1 Keywords: number patternspowers Students complete a table to solve a number pattern increasing by a factor of five. Preview
3 Student answers 2 Keywords: additionstrategiessubtraction Students explain why a range of students' answers to a maths problem are incorrect. Preview
5 Student solutions 1 Keywords: divisionindex formindicesmultiplicationpowers Students select which person has correctly applied the laws of indices to some problems, and explain their choice. Preview
4 Generation powers 0 Keywords: index formindicespowers Students complete a table showing a family of sons increasing by a power, and calculate the next power showing their working. Preview
5 Find the percentage 0 Keywords: discountmoneypercentages Students calculate the percentage by which clothing prices have been reduced. Preview
5 Hands on a clock 0 Keywords: circlescircumferencedistancesspeedtime Students calculate the distance travelled by the tips of the hands on a clock, and calculate the speed of one of the tips. Preview
5 Calculating a pyramid 1 Keywords: 3-dimensional shapesareatrianglesvolume Students calculate the surface area and volume of a pyramid. Preview
5 Corinth Canal 0 Keywords: 2-dimensional shapesareavolume Students use a cross-section diagram of a canal to calculate area and volume. Preview