Cookie monster

Cookie monster

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This task is about finding the fractions of sets.
The Cookie Monster sneaked into the cupboard and ate some biscuits.


Mallopuffs-in-jar.png shrewbury-biscuits-in-jar.png Chocolate-Chip-biscuits-in-jar.png Wafer-Biscuits-in-jar.png

Question Change answer

a)  He ate \(1 \over 3\) of the marshmallow biscuits.
     Put \(1 \over 3\) of the marshmallow biscuits on to the cookie monster.
Image counting main image

Question Change answer

b)  He ate \(3 \over 4\) of the strawberry biscuits.
     Put \(3 \over 4\) of the strawberry biscuits on to the cookie monster.
Image counting main image

Question Change answer

c)  He at \(2 \over 5\) of the chocolate chippie biscuits.
     Put \(2 \over 5\) of the chocolate chippie biscuits on to the cookie monster.
Image counting main image

Question Change answer

d)  He ate \(2 \over 3\) of the wafer biscuits.
     Put \(2 \over 3\) of the wafer biscuits on to the cookie monster.
Image counting main image
Task administration: 
This task can be completed online only and has auto marking displayed to students.
Description of task: 
Students put fractions of a number of different biscuits eaten on to a picture of Cookie Monster.
  Question Correct answer


1/3 of 6 marshmallow biscuits


3/4 of 8 strawberry biscuits


2/5 of chocolate chippie biscuits


2/3 of 9 wafer biscuits