4 Same sized fractions 12 Keywords: equivalent fractionsfractions Students show or explain how two different fraction numbers can represent the same fraction. Preview
4 Larger fractions III 12 Keywords: fractionsordering fractions Students compare two fractions, find the larger fraction and show or explain their reasoning. Preview
3 Larger fractions 14 Keywords: fractionsordering fractions Students compare fractions, identify which is larger, and explain or show their reasoning. Preview
34 Ordering filled bottles 12 Keywords: fractionsordering fractions Students match given fractions to images of milk bottles to show how full each bottle is. Preview
23 Who had more? 16 Keywords: fractionsordering fractions In this task students compare two fractions involving items of food, choosing either the larger or smaller. Preview
4 Ordering fractions 7 Keywords: fractionsordering fractions Students sort fractions into order from smallest to largest Preview
4 What fraction am I? 2 Keywords: equivalent fractions Using clues, students identify an equivalent fraction for a given fraction. Preview
45 Adding and subtracting fractions 11 Keywords: additionfractions Students solve number problems involving the addition and subtraction of fractions. Preview
4 Partitioning pizza & fruit loaf 2 Keywords: fractionspartitioning Students show or explain how to share equally amongst a number of people. Preview
2 Dividing squares 5 Keywords: fractionspartitioning Students find different ways to divide squares into halves and quarters. Preview
4 Getting a hair cut 3 Keywords: fractionspercentages Students identify percentages and fractions from information in a pie chart. Preview
2 Cutting up 2 Keywords: fractionspartitioning Students identify whether two shapes have been partitioned evenly or not, and show how to correctly partition the shapes. Preview
5 Sharing things ii 1 Keywords: fractionssubtraction Students use subtraction to solve word problems involving fractions. Preview
4 Fractions to decimals 5 Keywords: decimalsfractions Students convert fractions to decimals and explain how to do it. Preview
4 Gardening time 1 Keywords: fractionspercentages Students convert fractions to percentages and write percentages in their simplest fractional form. Preview
4 Exploding Bottles 2 Keywords: fractionspercentages Students use information in a table about exploding bottles of ginger beer to find the fractions and percentages of bottles that exploded or stayed sealed in given weeks. Preview
45 Milk, chocolate and sugar 4 Keywords: additionfractions Students add fractions with different denominators. Preview
4 Ordering improper and mixed fractions 7 Keywords: fractionsimproper fractionsmixed fractionsordering fractions Students identify the larger of two improper fractions and drag a number of improper and mixed fractions into ascending order. Preview
4 Finding the fraction of things 3 Keywords: fractionsfractions as operators Students show how to calculate maths problems involving fractions as a part and as a whole. Preview
34 Model car fractions 8 Keywords: fractionsfractions as operators Students calculate fractions of a total number of cars. They also calculate the total number of cars, given an identified fraction of this total. Preview
4 Flowers, books and sheep 0 Keywords: fractionsfractions as operators Students calculate different fractions of given whole numbers. Preview
3 Hungry shark 7 Keywords: fractionsfractions as operators In this practical task students drag fractions of different fish onto the body of a shark. Preview
34 Larger fractions II 8 Keywords: fractionsordering numbers Students compare fractions, identify which is larger, and explain or show their reasoning. Preview
3 Soccer season 4 Keywords: fractionsfractions as operators Students calculate fractions of whole numbers using number of goals scored in a soccer season. Preview
3 Buying Christmas presents 0 Keywords: fractionsfractions as operators Students interpret a pie graph to answer multiple choice questions. Preview