Number items - fractions

Number items - fractions

Pencil and paper
Connecting to the Curriculum
Marking Student Responses
Further Resources
This task is about fractions.
Year 8
a)  Which fraction represents the largest amount?  
     (A) \(5 \over 6\)   (B) \(5 \over 7\)   (C) \(5 \over 8\)   (D) \(5 \over 9\)
b)  Which part of the circle is missing?
     part of a circle  
     (A) \(1 \over 4\)   (B) \(1 \over 3\)   (C) \(3 \over 4\)   (D) \(2 \over 3\)
c)  What fraction is equivalent to \(1 \over 3\)?  
     (A) \(1 \over 6\)   (B) \(1 \over 4\)   (C) \(2 \over 6\)   (D) \(2 \over 4\)
d)  How much of this area is shaded?  
     shaded grid
     As a fraction: ___________
e)  Which fraction matches the letter X on the number line?
     x shown on a number line between 0 and 1  
     (A) \(1 \over 2\)   (B) \(1 \over 3\)   (C) \(1 \over 7\)   (D) \(1 \over 5\)
f)  What is the difference between \(3 \over 4\) and \(1 \over 2\)?  
     (A) \(3 \over 4\)   (B) \(1 \over 2\)   (C) \(1 \over 4\)   (D) 2
2, 4
Description of task: 
For this NEMP task students perform a range of tasks using fractions. These include ordering, subtracting, finding an equivalent and recording as a decimal and percentage.
Learning Progression Frameworks
This resource can provide evidence of learning associated with within the Mathematics Learning Progressions Frameworks.
Read more about the Learning Progressions Frameworks.
Y8 (09/2001)
a) A (5/6) 56%
b) C 81%
c) C 69%
d) half or equivalent 81%
e) D (1/5) 49%
f) B (3/4) 50%