4 Two coin game 0 Keywords: experimentsfractionsprobability Students interpret a tally chart to answer questions about the proportion and probability of outcomes from a coin toss. Preview
3 Fractions of money 1 Keywords: decimalsfractionsfractions as operatorsmoney In this practical task students use play money to show fractions of dollar amounts involving decimals. Preview
34 Money fractions 0 Keywords: fractionsfractions as operatorsmoney In this practical task students use play money to show fractions of dollar amounts. Preview
4 Eating fractions of cake 2 Keywords: additionfractionskey competenciessubtraction Students answer questions involving adding and subtracting fractions of cake. Preview
4 Adding and subtracting fractions II 0 Keywords: additionfractionsnempsubtraction For this NEMP task students use all addition and subtraction operations in calculations involving fractions. Preview
5 Sharing things ii 1 Keywords: fractionssubtraction Students use subtraction to solve word problems involving fractions. Preview
4 Making pie charts 2 Keywords: fractionsgraph constructionpie graphs Students complete three pie charts involving spending, using data in the form of proportions and amounts spent on certain activities. Preview
3 Sharing chocolate 1 Keywords: equal sharingfractionspartitioning Students answer questions by dividing a given amount of chocolate bars equally, and finding a fraction of the total amount. Preview
45 Milk, chocolate and sugar 3 Keywords: additionfractions Students add fractions with different denominators. Preview
34 Eating fractions of pie, pizza and cake 5 Keywords: additionfractionssubtraction Students answer questions involving adding and subtracting fractions of food. Preview
5 Combining fractions 2 Keywords: additionfractionssubtraction Students perform calculations using fractions with different denominators. Preview
3 Hungry shark 7 Keywords: fractionsfractions as operators In this practical task students drag fractions of different fish onto the body of a shark. Preview
2 Walking to school 3 Keywords: fractionsfractions as measuresnumber lines Students complete a diagram to show basic fractions of a journey to school in order from smallest to largest. Preview
34 Larger fractions II 8 Keywords: fractionsordering numbers Students compare fractions, identify which is larger, and explain or show their reasoning. Preview
34 Ordering filled bottles 12 Keywords: fractionsordering fractions Students match given fractions to images of milk bottles to show how full each bottle is. Preview
23 Who had more? 16 Keywords: fractionsordering fractions In this task students compare two fractions involving items of food, choosing either the larger or smaller. Preview
34 Model car fractions 8 Keywords: fractionsfractions as operators Students calculate fractions of a total number of cars. They also calculate the total number of cars, given an identified fraction of this total. Preview
2 Tidying up 6 Keywords: fractionsfractions as operatorssets Students select the correct fraction of toys to click and drag into a toy box. Preview
3 Ordering bottles 4 Keywords: fractionsfractions as measuresordering fractions Students match given fractions to images of milk bottles to show how full each bottle is. Preview
45 Adding and subtracting fractions 11 Keywords: additionfractions Students solve number problems involving the addition and subtraction of fractions. Preview