3 Visiting the fun fair 2 Keywords: co-ordinatesplotting co-ordinates As students listen to the teacher read the story of Jack's visit to the Fun Fair, they plot the co-ordinates on their grid to show Jack's movement around the Fun Fair. Preview
5 Buying some tech gear 2 Keywords: discountgstmoneypercentagestax Students solve number problems involving prices which include and exclude GST. Preview
3 Using place value blocks 0 Keywords: decimalsplace value Using place value blocks students demonstrate their ability to explain the meaning of digits in decimal numbers up to 3 decimal places. Preview
3 Decimals and calculators 2 Keywords: decimalsordering numbers Students order whole and decimal numbers from smallest to largest. Preview
3 Cookie monster 2 Keywords: fractionsfractions as operatorssets Students put fractions of a number of different biscuits eaten on to a picture of Cookie Monster. Preview
5 Free fall velocity 0 Keywords: graph constructiongraph interpretationlinear equationssubstitution Students complete a table based on an algebraic formula for free fall velocity, plot the results, and interpret the graph. Preview
2 Spending at the shop 4 Keywords: additionchangemoneyspendingsubtraction Students order possible items, work out the change from $10 or the shortfall for different items. Preview
2 Plus, minus, times and divide 3 Keywords: arithmetic operations Students select the correct operation to make equations true. Preview
5 Algebra addition squares 2 Keywords: additionalgebraic expressionslinear equationsproblem solving Students write algebraic expressions which make equations true. Preview
5 Always, sometimes or never? 1 Keywords: linear equationsquadratic equation Students identify whether algebraic equations are always, sometimes, or never true, and explain their reasoning. Preview
3 Continue the patterns II 1 Keywords: ordinal positionrepeating patternsrules Students find subsequent shapes in several patterns and show how to work out another shape based further on in the pattern. Preview
4 How I estimate: Multiplication 0 Keywords: estimationmultiplication Students show how they estimate in some multiplication problems and come up with sensible estimates. Preview
4 Estimating bags and boxes 1 Keywords: discussionestimationmultiplication Students estimate a multiplication problem, share their methods, discuss the rounding method, and then do more estimation problems using rounding. Preview
45 Estimate these 0 Keywords: additionestimationmoneymultiplication This practical task involves students making best estimates of sets of items and clearly demonstrating their method(s) of estimation. Preview
3 Dividing with remainder 2 Keywords: divisibilitydivisionremainders Students answer four multiple choice questions identifying which three-digit number can be divided by a one-digit number to get a given remainder. Preview
3 No remainder 1 Keywords: divisibilitydivisionremainders Students select which four-digit numbers can be divided by a one-digit number without a remainder. Preview
3 Buying books 1 Keywords: decimalsdivisionmoneymultiplication Students calculate the cost of a set of books given unit prices for an individual book. Preview
2 Addition and subtraction facts 1 Keywords: additionbasic factssubtractionwhole numbers Students give answers to addition and subtraction basic facts problems. Preview
4 What number am I? 2 Keywords: divisibilitydivisionfactorsmultiples Students identify numbers using clues which give the range within which each number falls and two factors with their remainder. Preview
3 Subtraction wheel 0 Keywords: equationssubtraction Students complete equations by subtracting given numbers on a subtraction wheel. Preview
4 Estimating sweets II 0 Keywords: estimationmultiplication Students explain multiplication estimation methods used to solve word problems. Preview
3 Buying Christmas presents 0 Keywords: fractionsfractions as operators Students interpret a pie graph to answer multiple choice questions. Preview
2 The same total 0 Keywords: additioncombinationsmoneymultiplication Students identify different ways that given amounts of money can be made up using a range of coins and notes. Preview
2 Showing change 1 Keywords: changemoneysubtraction Students identify the coins that would be given as change in a range of transactions. Preview