5 Fabric measures 2 Keywords: decimalsdivisionmultiplication Students perform decimal multiplication and division involving the cost of material, without the use of a calculator. Preview
4 Weighing for the post 2 Keywords: additiondecimalsweightwork samples Students find the sum of a number of given decimal weights of objects or the post. Preview
4 Writing percentages 3 Keywords: basic factsdecimalspercentages Students write decimal fractions as percentages. Preview
3 June temperatures 2 Keywords: decimalsordering numbers Students state temperatures to the nearest tenth degree, between two given temperatures. They also order a set of temperatures from coldest to warmest. Preview
4 Building a fence 1 Keywords: decimalsmoneymultiplication Students carry out calculations involving multiplication of whole numbers by decimal numbers. Preview
4 Rounding numbers sensibly II 1 Keywords: roundingwhole numbers Students identify one possible original number from a given rounded number. Preview
3 Anahera's sweets 0 Keywords: arithmetic operationsdecimalsdivisionmoneymultiplication Using a set unit cost students find total costs for given quantities, and find the quantity for a given total cost. Preview
4 Buying electricity 1 Keywords: additiondecimalsmoneymultiplication Students carry out calculations involving addition, and multiplication of whole numbers by decimal numbers. Preview
4 Same sized fractions 12 Keywords: equivalent fractionsfractions Students show or explain how two different fraction numbers can represent the same fraction. Preview
4 Buying some gear 7 Keywords: additionmoneyspending Students add up amounts of money including dollars and cents. Login to preview
4 Left over toys 6 Keywords: divisionequal sharingpartitioning Students show how to divide 3-digit whole numbers into equal sized groups and identify any remainder. Preview
2 Buying some things 3 Keywords: additionchangemoneyspendingsubtraction Students addition and subtraction to work out what they can buy with given amounts of money, and the change they will get. Preview
34 Powerful twenty five 5 Keywords: basic factsdivisionmultiplication Students answer questions based on multiplication or division by 25, and explain how they arrived at their answer. Preview
5 Solving for x 3 Keywords: linear equationssolve This task is about finding the solutions for linear equations. Preview
2 Sharing counters 3 Keywords: equal sharingfractionspartitioning Students share out sets of counters into equal-sized groups. Preview
4 Different fractions on a number line 3 Keywords: fractionsimproper fractionsnumber linesordering fractions Students order a range of fractions on a number line. Preview
34 Fractions on a number line 2 Keywords: fractionsfractions as measuresnumber linesordering fractions Students show where different fractions are positioned on a number line. Preview
3 Farm fractions 5 Keywords: fractionsfractions as operatorswork samples Students use fractions as operators to find unit fractions of a given whole number. Preview
2 Number pairs 2 Keywords: additionequalitylinear equationsrelationshipssubtraction Students complete addition and subtraction equations that explore part-whole relationships. Preview
4 Finding the fraction of things 3 Keywords: fractionsfractions as operators Students show how to calculate maths problems involving fractions as a part and as a whole. Preview
2 Sharing fractions 8 Keywords: fractionsfractions as operatorswork samples Students solve problems involving finding simple fractions of quantities, and show their working. Preview
34 Eating fractions of pie, pizza and cake 5 Keywords: additionfractionssubtraction Students answer questions involving adding and subtracting fractions of food. Preview
5 Fractions and food 2 Keywords: additionfractionskey competenciessubtraction Students add and subtract fractions to work out fractions of food. Preview
4 Finding fractions II 4 Keywords: fractionsfractions as operatorskey competencies Students answer questions using a fraction as an operator to find the fraction quantities. Preview