4 Crawling ant problem 1 Keywords: 3-dimensional shapesedgestetrahedronsvertices Students answer questions about the journey of an ant along the edge of a tetrahedron. Preview
4 Different views 2 Keywords: 3-dimensional shapescubesdrawingfacesviewsvisualising Students draw five different views of a 3-dimensional cube model. Preview
2 Odd or even animals 1 Keywords: divisibilityeven numbersodd numbers Students count the number of letters in 7 different animal names and decide if the number is odd or even. Preview
5 Rewriting formula 0 Keywords: algebraic expressionschanging subject Students are required to re-arrange various algebraic equations. Preview
5 Algebra multiplication squares 0 Keywords: algebraic expressionsarraysindicesmultiplication Students write algebraic expressions with indices which make equations true. Preview
3 Walking to work 2 Keywords: analogue time Students show given times on an analogue clock, and answer a question about difference in time. Preview
2 Notes and coins 8 Keywords: moneyproblem solving Students work out the smallest and largest amounts of coins and notes in a piggy bank from statements about the number and type of money. Preview
4 One dice chances 1 Keywords: probabilityqualitative probability Students complete a table to show whether an event has a 'certain', 'good', 'even', 'poor', or 'impossible' chance of ocurring. Preview
2 Different dollars 2 Keywords: additioncombinationsmoneymultiplication In this practical task, students use plastic coins and paper notes to work out three different ways to make the same amount of money. Preview
2 Bag of shapes 4 Keywords: repeating patternsspatial patterns Students create three different sequential patterns using 12 squares or triangles. Preview
2 Making numbers 4 Keywords: ordering numbersplace valuewhole numbers Students use digit cards to create 3-digit whole numbers and identify smallest and largest values. Preview
4 Making triangles 0 Keywords: recursive rulesspatial patterns Student fills in spaces and draw diagrams to identify the next two triangular numbers. They also state the rule for the pattern. Preview
4 Mapping diagrams 1 Keywords: co-ordinatesmapping diagramsmatchingrelationships Students complete mapping diagrams showing relationships, then list the ordered pairs. Preview
2 Down at the beach 0 Keywords: additionnumber sentencessubtraction Students use addition and subtraction to solve story problems and show their equations. Preview
4 Making a pyramid 1 Keywords: model constructionnetspyramidsviews In this practical task, students use three different views of a 3-dimensional shape to help them design a net and construct a model of a pyramid. Preview
5 Street angles 2 Keywords: angle propertiesanglesinterior anglesparallel linessupplementary angles Students use their knowledge of angle properties to identify missing angles identified on a street map. Preview
5 Pythagoras' theorem 2 Keywords: pythagoras theorem Students use Pythagoras' theorem to find the unknown sides of right-angled triangles in three practical problems. Preview
5 Working with Pythagoras 4 Keywords: pythagoras theoremright angled triangles Students use Pythagoras' theorem to decide whether triangles are right-angled based on the lengths of their sides. Preview
56 Calculating distance III 2 Keywords: cosinesinetangentstrigonometry Students use trigonometry to calculate distances in practical problems. Preview
4 Parts of a circle 2 Keywords: arccirclescircumferencediameterradiussectors Students identify the parts of a circle that lines on familiar signs and objects make. Preview
3 Patterns and rules III 2 Keywords: number patternsrecursive rules Students complete two number patterns and write down a rule for each. Preview
4 Doing the lawn 1 Keywords: linear equationsmoney Students calculate the charges for lawn mowing expressed as rate plus set-up cost. Preview
5 Discrete or continuous I 0 Keywords: continuous datadiscrete data Students identify data as 'discrete' or 'continuous' from a range of examples. Preview
5 Factorising expressions III 2 Keywords: algebraic expressionsfactorise Students factorise a series of algebraic expressions. Preview
3 House patterns 3 Keywords: number patternsspatial patterns Students complete a table to describe a spatial sequential pattern. Preview