3 Unit square area 1 Keywords: areaunit squares Students calculate the area of a range of 2-dimensional shapes in unit squares. Preview
4 Flight schedule 1 Keywords: subtractiontable interpretationtime Students answer four questions about flight times on a flight schedule. Preview
4 Library books 0 Keywords: frequency tablesprobabilitytable interpretation Students are asked four short questions that require them to use a table that contains a count of the kind of books borrowed from a library for a month. Preview
4 Soup and savouries 1 Keywords: combinations Students calculate how many possible combinations there are when given different numbers of menu items. Preview
4 Combinations of ties and socks 0 Keywords: combinationsprobability Students calculate the number of different combinations of ties and socks that could be worn. Preview
2 Estimating time 1 Keywords: estimationpeer assessmentsecondstime In this practical task, students work in pairs to estimate how much time they think has passed. One student estimates while the other times. Preview
3 The cinema 1 Keywords: a.m.chart interpretationp.m.time Students use a movie timetable advertisement to answer questions about the movies being shown to test their understanding of a.m. and p.m. Preview
3 Units of time 0 Keywords: timeunits of measurement Students select which unit of time - seconds, minutes, or hours - would most likely be used to time a range of everyday activities. Preview
4 Food prices 2 Keywords: graph interpretationline graphsmoneyspendingtime-series This task requires students to interpret and answer questions from a time-series line graph. Preview
3 Reading books 1 Keywords: distributiondot plotsgraph interpretation Students interpret a dot plot showing the number of books read by a class of students. Preview
4 Desert road closure 0 Keywords: bar graphsgraph interpretationtime-series Students interpret information presented in a bar graph to answer questions. Preview
4 Sunshine hours 1 Keywords: bar graphsgraph interpretationmean Students interpret information presented in a bar graph to answer questions and calculate averages. Preview
4 Estimating bags and boxes 1 Keywords: discussionestimationmultiplication Students estimate a multiplication problem, share their methods, discuss the rounding method, and then do more estimation problems using rounding. Preview
3 Dividing with remainder 2 Keywords: divisibilitydivisionremainders Students answer four multiple choice questions identifying which three-digit number can be divided by a one-digit number to get a given remainder. Preview
3 No remainder 1 Keywords: divisibilitydivisionremainders Students select which four-digit numbers can be divided by a one-digit number without a remainder. Preview
3 Buying books 1 Keywords: decimalsdivisionmoneymultiplication Students calculate the cost of a set of books given unit prices for an individual book. Preview
2 Addition and subtraction facts 1 Keywords: additionbasic factssubtractionwhole numbers Students give answers to addition and subtraction basic facts problems. Preview
4 What number am I? 2 Keywords: divisibilitydivisionfactorsmultiples Students identify numbers using clues which give the range within which each number falls and two factors with their remainder. Preview
3 Pocket money 8 Keywords: distributiondot plotsgraph interpretationincome Students compare the overall distribution of two dot plots and describe their reasons. Preview
3 School transport 3 Keywords: bar graphsgraph interpretation Students are asked to study a bar graph of ways to travel to school and write down five things that are wrong with the way the graph is set up. Preview
4 Cross country finishing times 2 Keywords: additionanalogue timehoursminutesseconds Students work out how long a race took given the starting and finishing time. Answers are split into hours, minutes and seconds. Preview
4 Telling time 1 Keywords: 24-hour timea.m.digital timep.m. Students answer questions that involve converting between different ways of telling time. Preview
4 Time calculations 0 Keywords: 24-hour timeadditionsubtractiontime Students work out time calculations involving 24 hour time. Preview
4 How many minutes between? 0 Keywords: additionconversion of unitsminutesmultiplicationsubtractiontime Students answer questions about the difference between a range of given times in minutes. Preview
4 Estimating sweets II 0 Keywords: estimationmultiplication Students explain multiplication estimation methods used to solve word problems. Preview