The assessment context is a prepared 'thank you' speech. The time limit is one minute and a content checklist is provided. Oral Language Assessment Guide C is suitable for this task.
Students prepare an oral book review. The assessment focus is on the ability to summarise, read fluently, and promote the book. Oral Language Assessment Guide C is suitable for this task.
Students choose a proverb from a list, then prepare and make a short speech explaining the proverb's message. The assessment focus is on explaining an idea, using an example and personal opinion. ARB scoring guides B and C are suitable for this task.
Students provide short written answers to questions on the advantages and disadvantages of interviews as source material. They then practise writing effective interview questions.
Students prepare a talk for a group or the class about a book. The assessment focus is on both content and delivery. ARB scoring guides A and B are suitable for this task.
Students prepare an instructive speech from a list of topics. The assessment focus is on explaining the logical steps needed to develop a skill or complete a task. ARB scoring guides A, B, and C are suitable for this task.
Students present a 'show and tell' for a small group. The focus includes discussion, handling questions, and bringing the session to a close. Speaking assessment guide C (Peer assessment) is suitable for this task.
Students prepare a 2 to 3 minute speech, to inform, persuade, or entertain. Topics suitable for primary students are provided. Assessment guides B and C are suitable for this task.
Students give a 'show and tell' speech to a group of 4-5 students. The audience will ask questions at the conclusion of the speech. Scoring guides are provided for teachers.
This task assesses a formal debate. A list of general topics is provided. For topics on school and teenage life, see resources Debating I and Debating II. ARB scoring guides D, E and F are suitable for this task.
The assessment focus is on an informative speech to a small group about a famous person. Student directions, a checklist, and scoring guides are included.
The context is a plea for a 'good cause' or an emotional statement of opinion on a controversial issue. Some topics are provided. The focus is on passion and forceful speaking. Assessment guides A, B and C are suitable for this task.
This resource is for the assessment of team debating. Topics on the themes of school and teenage life are provided. Oral Language Assessment Guides E and F are suitable for this task.
Students are required to read a poem to a small group. A preparation checklist for students is provided. A self-assessment guide for students and a parallel scoring guide for teachers are provided.
This resource is for the assessment of team debating at intermediate school. A selection of topics are provided. Oral Language Assessment Guides - Speaking E and G are suitable for this task.
The assessment focus is on an informative speech to a small group about an historical event. Student directions, a checklist, and scoring guides are included.