2 Sharing counters 3 Keywords: equal sharingfractionspartitioning Students share out sets of counters into equal-sized groups. Preview
2 Cutting the cake 2 Keywords: fractionspartitioningquotient Students show how to partition shapes into a given number of equal parts and identify the fraction of each part. Preview
5 Buying surfing gear 1 Keywords: discountmoneypercentagestax Students solve number problems involving prices which include and exclude sales tax. Preview
3 4 by 4 Number square 2 Keywords: additionlinear equationsproblem solving Students select from a range of given numbers to complete a 4 x 4 'addition number square' with given row and column totals. Preview
4 Using prime numbers 4 Keywords: factorsprime numbers Students find the prime numbers that add or multiply to given sums or products. Preview
4 Gymnastic competition 5 Keywords: decimalsordering numbersplace value Students order decimal numbers which are scores from a gymnastics competition. Preview
12 Which graph matches the picture? 5 Keywords: bar graphsgraph interpretationgraphspictographstally charts Task: Decide which of two graphs e.g., tally chart, pictograph, bar graph is represented by a picture and explain how the graph/s are interpreted. Preview
4 Addition examples 0 Keywords: additionnemp For this NEMP task students performs a series of increasingly difficult addition problems presented in vertical algorithms. Preview
5 Working with standard form 0 Keywords: additiondivisionmultiplicationstandard form Students perform calculations in standard form. Preview
4 Subtraction facts 0 Keywords: nempsubtraction For this NEMP task students calculate the answers to a series of subtraction problems. Preview
3 Equality 1 Keywords: additiondiscussionequality Students explore the concept of equality by deciding whether addition sentences are true, false or not proper number sentences. Preview
3 Equal number sentences II 2 Keywords: additionequality Students complete open number sentences to show their understanding of equality. Preview
3 Commutative number lines II 1 Keywords: additioncommutativitynumber lines Students use number lines to show their understanding of commutativity. Preview
4 Working out the unknown number 3 Keywords: additive identitycommutativityequationsrelational thinking Students find the unknown for a range of equations that require number property knowledge and understanding of relational thinking. Preview
2 Equal number sentences 2 Keywords: additionequality Students complete open number sentences to show their understanding of equality. Preview
2 Commutative number sentences I 3 Keywords: additioncommutativityequalitykey competencies Students use the commutative property to find missing numbers in equations and explain the property. Preview
2 Commutative number lines 2 Keywords: additioncommutativitynumber lines Students use number lines to show their understanding of commutativity. Preview
2 Cuisenaire number sentences 1 Keywords: additionanimal stripscuisenaire rodsequalitynumber sentencespractical Students use Cuisenaire rods or Animal strips to make up addition number sentences and record them. Preview
2 Balance pans 1 Keywords: equalityequivalencenumber sentences Students draw in the correct number of blocks needed to balance some scales and write equations for scales that show balance. Preview
2 What is equal? 4 Keywords: additionequality Students explore the concept of equality by deciding whether addition sentences are true, false or not proper number sentences. Preview
2 Greater than, less than, or equal number sentences 2 Keywords: equal toequalitygreater thanless than Students select the correct symbol or the correct number to make number sentences true. Preview
12 Ordering numbers III 5 Keywords: ordering numbersplace valuewhole numbers In this practical task students order numbers from smallest to largest by gluing them onto a picture of a snake. Preview
1 Sharing animal toys 4 Keywords: divisionequal sharing Students break amounts into a number of equal sized groups. Preview
2 Equipment Calculator 1 Keywords: ordering numbersplace valuewhole numbers In this practical task students demonstrate their understanding of the meaning of 3 digit numbers by following oral instructions to create numbers on a calculator. Preview
3 Place value blocks II 10 Keywords: place valuewhole numbers Students write four digit numbers for each set of place value blocks shown. Preview