Jet planes

Jet planes

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This task is about ordering numbers and finding even numbers.

Question Change answer

Each of these planes has a number on it. 

a) Order the numbers on the planes from lowest to highest.
  • airplane-1-637.png
  • airplane-1-568.png
  • airplane-1-563.png
  • airplane-1-506.png
  • airplane-1-540.png
  • airplane-1-529.png


Each of these planes has a number on it.
Select all the planes with even numbers on them.
    • airplane-2-563.png

    • airplane-2-742.png

    • airplane-2-296.png

    • airplane-2-565.png

    • airplane-2-887.png

    • airplane-2-251.png

    • airplane-2-468.png

Task administration: 
This task can be completed online only and has auto marking displayed to students.
1, 2
Description of task: 
Students order three-digit numbers and identify even numbers.
  Y5 (04/1999)
a) 506, 529, 540, 563, 568, 637 easy
b) 393 – not selected
742 – selected
296 – selected
565 – not selected
887 – not selected
251 – not selected
468 – selected
7 correct – difficult

5-6 correct – easy

Diagnostic and formative information: 
   Common error Likely reason
a) Orders from high to low.
Uses 537 instead of 637.
b) Circles 468 only.
Circles all but 393.
Thinks all digits need to be even for the number to be even.
Thinks just one even digit makes the number even.