Writing numbers 0 Overview Using this Resource Connecting to the Curriculum Marking Student Responses Further Resources This task is about compact and expanded numbers. Question 2Change answer a) Five hundred and sixty-seven. a) Five hundred and sixty-seven. Write this number in compact form. Question 2Change answer b) Four hundred and nine. b) Four hundred and nine. Write this number in compact form. Question 2Change answer c) 390 is c) 390 is hundreds, tens, and ones Question 2Change answer d) 799 is d) 799 is hundreds, tens, and ones. Question 2Change answer e) 957 is e) 957 is hundreds, tens, and ones. Task administration: This task can be completed with pencil and paper or online (with auto marking displayed to students). Level: 2 Curriculum info: Maths, Number and Algebra, Number Knowledge Keywords: place value, whole numbers Description of task: Students write 3-digit numbers in compact and expanded form. Answers/responses: Y5 (05/1998) a) 5 6 7 easy b) 4 0 9 easy c) 3, 9, no/0. easy d) 7, 9, 9. easy e) 9, 5, 7. easy Skip counting Compact and expand Making numbers Abacus numbers Bags for sale Making numbers II Place value blocks Sports day points Jet planes Ordering numbers II Add a number Different number system Ordering numbers III Equipment Calculator Ordering numbers T-Shirt numbers Adding to ten Ten and Twenty