4 Transformation or not? 0 Keywords: reflectionrotationtransformationstranslation Students identify which transformations could have been performed on pairs of shapes. Preview
3 Parallel lines 2 Keywords: linesparallelperpendicularright anglesshape properties Students are required to draw in arrows to show the parallel lines on three given shapes. They then draw in a right-angle symbol to show the perpendicular lines on three other given shapes. Preview
3 Millilitres or litres? 3 Keywords: capacityunits of measurement Students identify whether litres or millilitres would be the best unit of measurement for a range of everyday measuring tasks. Preview
4 Looking at length 0 Keywords: estimationlengthpracticalreading scales In this practical task, students estimate the length of two common classroom objects, then check their estimates with a ruler. Preview
4 Soccer and netball 1 Keywords: arearectangles Students use a diagram of a netball court and soccer field to calculate area. Preview
3 Making different rectangles 1 Keywords: arearectangles Students use a given number of multi-link cubes to make and draw different rectangles. Preview
4 Using grid references 1 Keywords: grid referencesmaps Students use grid references to locate places on a map of Auckland and give grid references of specified places. Preview
3 Parts of shapes 1 Keywords: 3-dimensional shapescubesedgesfacespyramidstriangular prismsvertices Students identify the number of faces, edges and vertices for different 3-dimensional shapes. Preview
5 Baby noise 1 Keywords: graph interpretationline graphsrelationships This task requires students to interpret the relationship between noise level and time as illustrated by various points on a graph. Preview
2 Ordering numbers II 2 Keywords: ordering numbersplace valuewhole numbers Students order a 1- and 2- digit number series and a 3 digit number series. Preview
4 Multiplying and dividing decimals 1 Keywords: decimalsdivisionmultiplicationnemp For this NEMP task students perform a range of multiplication and division calculations using whole numbers and decimals. Preview
4 The Beaufort scale 1 Keywords: reading scalestable interpretationwind Students use the Beaufort Scale, found on the Met Service website, to answer questions about wind speed. Preview
4 Looking at weight 2 Keywords: estimationpracticalreading scalesweight In this practical task, students estimate the weight of two different sized bags, then check their estimates using kitchen scales. Preview
4 Adding and subtracting decimals 1 Keywords: additiondecimalsnempsubtraction For this NEMP task students perform a range of addition and subtraction calculations using whole numbers and decimals. Preview
3 Tangram cat 1 Keywords: tangrams Students cut out tangram shapes and arrange them to fit into the outline of three different drawings of everyday items. Preview
5 Intercepts and gradients 1 Keywords: co-ordinatesgradientsinterceptslinear equationsplotting co-ordinatesslopes Students identify the slope and intercepts of a linear equation, then plot a different function. Preview
2 Units of time II 4 Keywords: timeunits Students select the most appropriate unit of time for a series of everyday activities. Preview
4 Estimating money 2 Keywords: estimationsubtraction Students explain subtraction estimation methods used to solve a word problem. Preview
3 Daily timetable 2 Keywords: additiondigital timetime Students complete a timetable by adding on the time taken for each task. Preview
3 Fireworks 3 Keywords: graph interpretationpictographs Students need to answer questions about a pictogram which shows how much money was spent on different fireworks at a store. Preview
2 Using shape numbers 6 Keywords: place value Students demonstrate their understanding of place value by identifying numbers shown in a shape-based number system. Preview
2 Pirate Pete's day 4 Keywords: digital timetime Students order times by selecting the appropriate time, written in words, for each of Pirate Pete's morning activities. Preview
5 School extensions 0 Keywords: enlargementlengthratiosscale factor Students calculate the scale factor and length of one side of a building extension, then draw in a different extension from a given scale factor. Preview
3 How many litres? 1 Keywords: capacityconversion of units Students answer questions about the total capacity in litres given the number of cups that fill the containers. Preview
3 Diagram of a model train 3 Keywords: 3-dimensional shapes Students write down the name of the shape of the 3-dimensional blocks that are used for each part on a diagram of a model train. Preview