3 Estimating temperature 2 Keywords: estimationtemperature In this practical task, students estimate and then measure temperatures. Preview
5 Cuboid fish tanks 3 Keywords: capacityconversion of unitscuboidsvolumeweight Students calculate the volume of three different cuboid-shaped fish tanks given the height, length and width. Preview
4 Decoding Co-ordinate references 4 Keywords: co-ordinatesgrid referencesgrids Students use co-ordinates to identify a coded message. Preview
3 Turning shapes around 1 Keywords: order of symmetryrotationrotational symmetrytransformations Students cut out shapes and rotate them to find the number of times each shape fits onto itself in a complete turn. Preview
45 Which taxi company? 3 Keywords: breakeven pointslinear equationsmoneysimultaneous equations Students solve a number of mathematical problems involving money and distance, and compare the results to identify the cheapest taxi company. Preview
3 Writing word problems 5 Keywords: additiondivisionmultiplicationstory problemssubtraction Using information given in pictures students write four word problems using the operation set out in each instruction. Preview
4 Dividing into smaller groups 0 Keywords: divisibilityfactorsprime numbers Students identify prime numbers from a series of group sizes and list all the factors of 36. Preview
4 Hutt Valley trains 0 Keywords: table interpretationtime Students interpret a train timetable and answer questions about departure and arrival, and journey times. Preview
2 Is it the same capacity? 1 Keywords: capacityestimation In this practical task, students decide how many of four different shaped containers have the same capacity, then check by filling them with water. Preview
5 Constructing different shaped boxes 1 Keywords: model constructionnetsvolume This practical task requires students to construct open boxes from grid paper and calculate their volumes. Preview
4 Dripping Tap 1 Keywords: conversion of unitsratestimevolume This task is about using rates in ml/minute to work out how much water has dripped from four taps. Preview
4 Estimating team scores 0 Keywords: additionestimationfront-end Students discuss making an initial estimate in addition problems using the front-end method followed by compensation to get a more accurate estimate. They then use this method on two addition problems. Preview
4 Place value and decimals 2 Keywords: decimalsnempplace value Students answer questions about place value. Preview
4 Chocolate boxes 1 Keywords: decimalsdivisionfractionsmoneymultiplicationweight Students work out problems about the weight and price of chocolate bars from some given information. Preview
4 Multiplying and dividing fractions II 0 Keywords: divisionfractionsmultiplicationnemp For this NEMP task students use multiplication and division operations in calculations involving fractions. Preview
2 Party Shopping 2 Keywords: money This task is about working out change for a variety of purchases. Preview
2 Fraction shapes 4 Keywords: fractionspart-whole fractionspartitioning Students draw lines to divide up shapes into fractional parts. Preview
2 Tens frames to twenty 4 Keywords: additionsubtractiontens frames Students use tens frames to show how to add and take away numbers to 20. Preview
5 Trotting Horse 1 Keywords: circlescircumferences This task is about finding the circumference of a circle using two different radius measurements. Preview
4 Estimating in sport 2 Keywords: additiondiscussionestimationmultiplication Students estimate an addition problem, share their methods, discuss the averaging method, and then do more problems using averaging. Preview
2 Tidying Up II 6 Keywords: fractionsfractions as operatorssets Students select the correct fraction of toys to click and drag into a toy box. Preview
3 Fruit Salad 6 Keywords: fractionsfractions as operatorssets Students select the correct fraction of fruits to click and drag into a bowl. Preview
34 After-school training 1 Keywords: key competenciesproblem solvingvenn diagrams Students use given information to solve a problem using a Venn diagram. Preview
3 Shaded fractions 1 Keywords: fractionspart-whole fractions Students identify the shaded fraction of a number of different shapes. Preview
3 Buying a phone 4 Keywords: divisionmoneymultiplicationsubtraction This task is about using multiplication, division and subtraction to solve problems involving money. Preview