In this practical task students demonstrate their understanding of the meaning of 3 digit numbers by following oral instructions to create numbers on a calculator.
Students are provided with six drawings of different types of insects. They use the drawings to explain two features of insects and to explain differences between the insects illustrated.
Students are provided with a food web based on organisms of the rocky shore and sea. Students use this to answer questions about food chains in the food web.
Students present a 'show and tell' for a small group. The focus includes discussion, handling questions, and bringing the session to a close. Speaking assessment guide C (Peer assessment) is suitable for this task.
Students are given a graph that shows how many days it took for bread placed in different areas to grow mould. Students use this graph to answer three short questions.
Using provided data students decide which of three liquids would freeze if placed in a freezer. Students explain what happens to particles when they freeze and how the level changes due to freezing.
Plan an investigation to find out which of two students' predictions is correct, and identify how to recognise what a result would look like. Assessment focus: identifying what to measure or compare to answer a science question.
Task: Demonstrate understanding of the pupil reflex of the eye, and apply this to answering questions about sunglasses safety. Extension questions probe understanding of who decides on and applies safety standards. Assessment focus: effect of UV light on the eyes and how it can be mediated by simple sunglasses technology.