4 Buying bikes 3 Keywords: discountmoneypercentagesspending Students calculate the amount of money saved from given percentage discounts on bikes. Preview
3 Classifying animals 0 Keywords: amphibiansclassificationevolutioninsectsreptiles Task: select which group pictures of animals belong to. Assessment focus: classification of small animals. Preview
34 Building with aluminium 2 Keywords: aluminiummetalsphysical propertiespropertiessociety Students write down three reasons why aluminium could be a good material for house frames instead of wood. Preview
34 Saucepans 2 Keywords: metalsphysical propertieswood Students explain why most of a saucepan is made of metal but has a handle made of wood. Preview
5 Using pronouns 1 Keywords: audiencepronounsspeech Students read a speech extract and decide whether selected pronouns either include or exclude the audience. Preview
2 Party Shopping 2 Keywords: money This task is about working out change for a variety of purchases. Preview
3 Town hall concert 2 Keywords: divisionmultiplicationratios Students calculate how many adults got into a concert for free using information about the number of concert-goers and the ratio of free adults to children. Preview
5 Trotting Horse 1 Keywords: circlescircumferences This task is about finding the circumference of a circle using two different radius measurements. Preview
4 What's the angle? 4 Keywords: angles Students identify the angle of different objects and movements. Preview
3 Multiplication facts 0 Keywords: basic factsmultiplication Students complete multiplication equations by selecting from given factors. Preview
3 How many Xs cover Y 1 Keywords: arearepeated unitsunit squares Students identify how many unit squares cover given 2-dimensional shapes. Preview
3 Area and perimeter 5 Keywords: areaperimeterunit squares Students calculate the area and perimeter of four shapes on a grid. Preview
12 Sorting temperatures 3 Keywords: orderingtemperature Students order five situations involving different temperatures of water from hottest to coldest. Preview
5 Area of four lawns 5 Keywords: areacomposite shapes Students calculate the areas of four composite shapes. Preview
4 Naming shapes II 1 Keywords: 2-dimensional shapesquadrilaterals Students select the correct name for regular quadrilateral shapes. Preview
4 Reflection, rotation or translation 3 Keywords: reflectionrotationtransformationstranslation Students identify which transformations could have been used one shape onto another. Preview
2 Writing numbers 3 Keywords: place valuewhole numbers Students write 3-digit numbers in compact and expanded form. Preview
4 Extending the garden 0 Keywords: composite shapesperimeter Students calculate the length of fencing around a deck. Preview
2 Projecting shapes 1 Keywords: shape properties Students identify shapes that have been projected on a screen. Preview
2 Slicing shapes 1 Keywords: 2-dimensional shapes3-dimensional shapescross-sections Students identify the 2-dimensional shape that cross-sectional slices of food make. Preview
12 Kōwhaiwhai 5 Keywords: kowhaiwhairotation Student identify the direction and amount of rotation a shape has undergone. Preview
4 How big is the community hall? 2 Keywords: areacomposite shapesperimeterrectanglessquares Students calculate the perimeter and area of a composite shape. Preview
2 What number? ii 7 Keywords: place value Students demonstrate their understanding of place value by identifying three digit numbers. Preview
2 Christmas 7 Keywords: divisionmultiplication Students use addition, multiplication and division operations to perform calculations. Preview
12 Sharing out 9 Keywords: divisionequal sharingpartitioning Students use division to solve story problems. Preview