As students listen to the teacher read an adapted version of 'The Three Little Pigs' they construct a line graph showing how frightened the third little pig was feeling.
Students carry out an investigation to determine the frequency and percentage of different numbers resulting from 100 dice throws. They construct a table to record the results.
This practical task requires students to record data, which is read out to them, on a stem-and-leaf graph. The leaves are then ordered into a second graph and the graph interpreted.
In this practical task, students design a tally chart to record the number of different coloured ice-block sticks in an envelope. Students use the sticks as tally marks.
In this practical task, students estimate, and then measure, the weight of two objects using a number of multi-link cubes, a balance scale and weights.
In this practical task, students use their understanding of the link between capacity and volume to make cardboard containers that hold 250ml and 500ml of water.
In this practical task students design a net for a lidded cardboard box to hold 3 "chocolate bars" represented by hundreds blocks. They then cut out and construct the box.