A diagram of the bottom row of teeth has been provided. Students draw a line from each tooth name (canine, molar, and incisor) to an example of that tooth type in the diagram. Students then fill in a table where they explain what each tooth type does.
Students draw a line from each body part illustrated (lungs, heart, brain, intestines, stomach, liver) to the correct box in the body to show where the body part is actually located.
For this practical task the entire class is involved in an outside activity that looks at camouflage and warning colouration. Students then share their results and answer a number of questions.
Students are asked to identify the larger group that each of the following animals belongs to: turtle; swan; lizard; deer; frog; and rabbit. An example has been given to model this task.
Task: Identify features of 4 animals that live in water, then use this information to decide whether they are fish or not. Assessment focus: classification of fish.
Task: Identify features of 4 animals that live in water, then use this information to decide whether they are fish or not. Assessment focus: classification of fish.
For this task students are required to demonstrate their understanding of transformations. On three separate grids, they translate, reflect and rotate the same basic shape.