3 City spending 1 Keywords: graph interpretationpercentagespie graphs Students interpret a pie graph by answering questions on how city rates were spent over one year. Preview
3 Zoo animals II 0 Keywords: dot plotsgraph construction Students complete a dot plot of animals seen at the zoo using data provided. Preview
4 Buying some gear 7 Keywords: additionmoneyspending Students add up amounts of money including dollars and cents. Login to preview
5 Trotting Horse 1 Keywords: circlescircumferences This task is about finding the circumference of a circle using two different radius measurements. Preview
34 What Shape am I? 12 Keywords: 2-dimensional shapesshape properties Students identify different shapes from clues about their properties and then create their own clues to share with a buddy. Preview
3 Battleship grids 5 Keywords: grid references Students give grid references, and drag and drop grid references onto a grid. Preview
3 More battleships 4 Keywords: grid referencesgrids Students identify positions on a grid using grid references. Preview
3 Creating scales III 0 Keywords: qualitative datareading scales Students complete qualitative scales to describe feelings about homework, lunch, and assembly behaviour. Preview
4 Creating scales II 0 Keywords: data collectionplanning investigationsplotting scalesqualitative data Each student designs a question and an associated scale to record other students' attitudes to mathematics. Preview
3 Information on a calendar 0 Keywords: calendar interpretationcalendarsdaysmonthstimeweeks Students construct a calendar to match given criteria and enter three events onto the calendar. Preview
5 Microscopic numbers 2 Keywords: ordering numbersplace valuestandard form Students order small numbers written in standard form, and explain why they are ordered in that way. The numbers are the lengths of some microscopic animals. Preview
5 ATM machines 1 Keywords: bankingbar graphsgraph interpretationline graphstime-series This task requires students to answer questions about a time-series graph for two categories of data over an eight year period. Preview
5 Divisibility by three and nine 1 Keywords: basic factsdivisibilityfactors Students identify and give rules for when numbers are divisible by three or by nine. Preview
4 Te Ahurei Kapa Haka 1 Keywords: additiondecimalsdivisionmultiplicationsubtraction Students use all four operations to perform calculations using decimal values. Preview
5 Antarctic temperatures 2 Keywords: linear equationspronumerals Students identify parts of algebraic equations and use the equations to calculate temperatures in the Antarctic at different times of the day. Preview
45 Milk, chocolate and sugar 4 Keywords: additionfractions Students add fractions with different denominators. Preview
4 Pie graphs and percentages 1 Keywords: graph interpretationpercentagespie graphsspending Students to interpret pie graphs by answering questions about percentages and numerical values. Preview
5 Kapa haka festival 4 Keywords: ratios Students use given ratios to determine the number of people at the movies. Preview
34 After-school training 1 Keywords: key competenciesproblem solvingvenn diagrams Students use given information to solve a problem using a Venn diagram. Preview
4 Checking the bank account 0 Keywords: additiondecimalsmoneysubtraction Students calculate the changes to an account balance after two withdrawals and a deposit. Preview
2 The right time 6 Keywords: analogue timehoursminutestime Students decide whether the times written in words under analogue clocks are correct. Preview
3 Alpha numeric patterns 8 Keywords: number patterns Students complete sequential patterns of letters or numbers. Preview
4 Positive and negative number line 7 Keywords: negative numbersnumber lines Students identify negative and positive numbers on a number line and suggest real life experiences that would involve negative numbers. Preview