4 Estimating sums of money 2 Keywords: additiondiscussionestimation Students estimate an addition problem, share their methods, discuss the front-end method and then do more problems using front-end. Preview
5 Solving by substitution 4 Keywords: algebraic expressionssubstitution Students show how to solve a series of algebraic expressions by substituting given numbers. Preview
4 Estimating people 2 Keywords: discourseestimationsubtraction Students estimate a subtraction problem, share their methods, discuss the rounding one number method, and then do more problems by rounding one number. Preview
2 Number pairs 2 Keywords: additionequalitylinear equationsrelationshipssubtraction Students complete addition and subtraction equations that explore part-whole relationships. Preview
3 Saving for a pet 4 Keywords: additionplace value Students solve addition story problems involving numbers of different magnitude to explore their place value understanding. Preview
4 Rounding numbers sensibly 7 Keywords: decimalsplace valuerounding Students round given decimal numbers to the nearest tenths, hundredths, and thousandths and identify possible original numbers from rounded numbers. Preview
23 Folding rectangles, squares and circles 6 Keywords: fractionsimproper fractionspart-whole fractionspartitioningpeer assessmentpractical Students fold pieces of paper shaped as a rectangle, square, and circle to show fractions. Preview
34 Close to a half 4 Keywords: fractionskey competenciesordering fractions Students identify fractions that are greater than a half, explain their reasoning, and identify how far from half some fractions are. Preview
3 How many are there? 2 Keywords: divisionkey competenciesmultiplicationwork samples Students show how to work out the number of 1-digit that there are in 2-digit numbers. Preview
4 Partitioning pizza & fruit loaf 2 Keywords: fractionspartitioning Students show or explain how to share equally amongst a number of people. Preview
4 Paying the bills 1 Keywords: fractionsfractions as operatorsordering fractions Students order fractions from smallest to greatest, and work out fractions of an amount. Preview
4 Different fractions on a number line 3 Keywords: fractionsimproper fractionsnumber linesordering fractions Students order a range of fractions on a number line. Preview
4 Sharing cake and pizza 0 Keywords: fractionspartitioningquotient Students show or explain how to share cakes and pizzas equally amongst a number of people. Preview
3 Sharing shapes 1 Keywords: fractionspartitioningquotient Students draw lines to divide up shapes into equal parts and name the fractional value of the part. Preview
34 Fractions on a number line 2 Keywords: fractionsfractions as measuresnumber linesordering fractions Students show where different fractions are positioned on a number line. Preview
34 Show the fraction 3 Keywords: fractionsfractions as measuresnumber lines Students show fractions on a number line and on the side of a milk bottle. Preview
4 Ordering fractions on a number line II 1 Keywords: fractionsnumber linesordering numbers In this practical task students order proper fractions on a number line between 0 and 1. Preview
3 Parts and wholes 4 Keywords: fractionspart-whole fractionsunitising Students show that they can picture the whole shape when given a fractional part. Preview
23 Using doubling and halving 7 Keywords: doublinghalvingmultiplication Students use doubling and halving to solve multiplication problems. Preview
34 Decimals on number lines 8 Keywords: decimalsnumber linesordering numbersplace value Students place decimal numbers in the correct order and position on a number line. Preview
3 Fraction long jump 1 Keywords: fractionsnumber linesordering numbers Students cut out and attach fractions onto a number line in order from smallest to largest. Preview
2 Sharing counters 3 Keywords: equal sharingfractionspartitioning Students share out sets of counters into equal-sized groups. Preview
3 Equality 1 Keywords: additiondiscussionequality Students explore the concept of equality by deciding whether addition sentences are true, false or not proper number sentences. Preview
2 Cuisenaire number sentences 1 Keywords: additionanimal stripscuisenaire rodsequalitynumber sentencespractical Students use Cuisenaire rods or Animal strips to make up addition number sentences and record them. Preview
2 Balance pans 1 Keywords: equalityequivalencenumber sentences Students draw in the correct number of blocks needed to balance some scales and write equations for scales that show balance. Preview