12 Kōwhaiwhai 5 Keywords: kowhaiwhairotation Student identify the direction and amount of rotation a shape has undergone. Preview
3 Camp timetable II 5 Keywords: a.m.digital timeorderingp.m.time Students match digital times to events during a camp timetable. Preview
4 Exercise times 2 Keywords: additiontime Students add up the times for a number of exercises to get the total. Preview
3 Camp timetable 4 Keywords: a.m.additionchart interpretationp.m.time Students answer questions and make time calculations based on a camp timetable. Preview
3 Ice in water 1 Keywords: densityflotationforcesicephysics concepts Task: Select which picture correctly shows an ice cube in a glass of water and select correct explanation. Assessment focus: density of ice. Preview
4 Buying some gear 7 Keywords: additionmoneyspending Students add up amounts of money including dollars and cents. Login to preview
3 Continue the patterns II 1 Keywords: ordinal positionrepeating patternsrules Students find subsequent shapes in several patterns and show how to work out another shape based further on in the pattern. Preview
23 Continue the patterns 7 Keywords: ordinal positionrecursive rulesrepeating patterns Students find subsequent shapes in a repeated pattern and show how to work out another shape based further on in the pattern. Preview
2 Continue the shape patterns 1 Keywords: functional rulesgrowing patternsrecursive rulesrulesspatial patterns Students find the next three shapes in several growing shape patterns and explain how they worked out the shapes. Preview
3 Making stick patterns II 2 Keywords: functional rulespeer assessmentrecursive rulesspatial patterns Students use sticks to continue given patterns, and identify the number of sticks needed to make the new shapes in the pattern Preview
34 Making more stick patterns 1 Keywords: direct rulesfunctional ruleslinear equationspeer assessmentrecursive rulesspatial patterns Students use sticks to continue given patterns, and identify the number of sticks needed to make the new shapes in the pattern. Preview
5 Vintage cars 3 Keywords: distancesratesspeedtime Students convert speeds of vintage cars into kilometres per hour, and calculate distances travelled at these speeds. Preview
3 Describing 3-D shapes 8 Keywords: 3-dimensional shapescornersedgesfacesshape properties Students give the number of vertices, straight lines, and curved lines and complete sentences to describe different 3-dimensional shapes. Login to preview
34 Collecting beads 7 Keywords: additionkey competenciessubtraction Student solve addition problems where the missing value is located in different positions. This may mean that students transform the problem into a subtraction one. Students reflect on the easiest and hardest problems, and explain their choice. Preview
2 Max's day 4 Keywords: a.m.digital timeorderingp.m.time Students construct a time line by choosing the best digital time for a range of common daily activities. Preview
2 Adding and subtracting more numbers 10 Keywords: additionmoneysubtraction Students answer questions that ask them to add and subtract several numbers. Preview
2 Time for school 5 Keywords: additiontime Students answer questions that involve time calculations. Login to preview
23 Matching cubes and nets 4 Keywords: cubesnets Students identify nets that can fold to make a cube and explain how they know. Preview
4 Properties of metals 3 Keywords: classification keyskeysmetalsproperties Task: Use a key to identify six different metals from the descriptions provided. Assessment focus: using a key to identify metals. Preview
12 Germinating bean seed 11 Keywords: Life processesgerminationseeds Task: Sequence drawings of a bean seedling to show order of events during germination. Assessment focus: germination. Preview
2 Making tessellating patterns 0 Keywords: patternstessellations In this practical task, students arrange triangles and hexagons to create tessellating patterns. Preview
4 Compass points 6 Keywords: bearingscompassdirectionmaps Students identify towns and cities on a map using compass points. Preview
2 Buying some things 3 Keywords: additionchangemoneyspendingsubtraction Students addition and subtraction to work out what they can buy with given amounts of money, and the change they will get. Preview
3 Saving money 6 Keywords: bankingdivisionmoneymultiplicationsaving Student solve multiplication and division problems that involve money. Preview
4 Measuring tapa cloth 5 Keywords: Pasifikaarealengthtapa Student work out the side lengths and area of a tapa cloth from the measurement of a small section of it, converting between cm and metres. Preview